State of the Industry: Capital and Credit

Jack Daly, CRO of Aquina Health was recently quoted in HomeCare Magazine.
“We believe the revenue cycle model in health care is fundamentally broken,” says Jack Daly, CRO of Aquina Health, a company delivering health care finance and payment solutions to both providers and patients.
More specifically, for practices and patients, Daly says he sees the following challenges and trends emerging.
“Practices and agencies are doing more to provide quality care, while getting reimbursed less and at a slower pace. This challenge puts tremendous strain on operational cash flow and is limiting growth initiatives,” Daly said. “Furthermore, as MACRA and MIPS move health care providers to a payment structure based on a value and merit criteria, the model to be compliant for reimbursement will only get more complex before it gets easier. Access to working capital for withstanding this difficult time in the marketplace is limited to only highly-qualified applicants.
“It is our long-term prognosis that health care practices and agencies are going to require forward thinking finance and payment tools to thrive and for many, just survive; with the ultimate goal of serving more patients with the care they need, when they need it,” Daly said.
You can read the full article at: HomeCare Magazine
If your practice needs additional funding, contact us today to learn more about the financial solutions we offer.