Micro-Hospitals: A Trend Worth Learning More About

Micro-hospitals are popping up around the country, but many providers still lack a solid understanding of what a micro-hospital is and how it can help satisfy emerging needs in their markets.
Micro-hospitals are 24/7, small-scale inpatient facilities—around 15,000 to 50,000 square feet—with between eight and ten inpatient beds for observation and short-stay use.
Like their name implies, these are small facilities with an average of 10 beds and a focus on emergency or middle to medium high acuity care, higher than urgent care, but lower acuity than a trauma center. They have everything needed to operate an emergency department: imaging equipment, lab services, everything except an ICU and MRIs.
What does this mean for your practice?
Built by existing major hospitals or groups of doctors by partnering with external organizations, they are placed in areas that have service gaps: areas that have specific medical needs but lack the necessary facilities and resources to support a full-service facility.
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