AquinaMay 9, 2017

More and more patients are shopping for medical providers

More and more patients are shopping for medical providers

A new trend is emerging that cannot be ignored.

Patients are making more informed decisions regarding health care now more than ever before. With the rising costs of doctor visits, increased out-of-pocket expenses and high deductible plans, patients are actively looking for more cost-effective ways to manage their health, and their health care costs.

According to a recent survey:

“70% of more than 1400 patients reported making changes to

improve their health due to the rising costs of healthcare”

The study reveals the following trends:

Positive Lifestyle Changes


Cited the rising cost of healthcare as a motivating factor for their behavioral changes.

Chronic Condition Monitoring


Actively monitoring their chronic conditions (diabetes or high blood pressure).

Shopping for Healthcare


Reported they are actively shopping and comparing medical providers.

What does this mean for your practice?

To stay competitive you need to approach patient care with a new thought process.

In addition to improving collection methods, you should also consider offering patient financing solutions, wellness programs, and healthcare program transparency.

We provide funds so you can provide care. Talk to Provider Web today to find the right solution for your practice.