Get Paid Now On Your EOBs

Medical small business owners are plagued by slow payment from insurance companies and government payers. Delays in processing claims can reach weeks or even months in today’s healthcare environment. Even when a provider reaches the last phase of the process and receives the Explanations of Benefits (EOB) advice form, also known as 835 form, it still often takes 1-3 business days before the cash appears in your bank account.
Provider Web Capital can help. With our innovative patent pending Remit ATM solution, medical providers can now get paid immediately upon receipt of an EOB advice. Simply set up a Remit ATM facility with Provider Web, submit your EOB advice electronically to us, and the funds will be wired to you the same day. When you receive the payment from the insurance or government payer, Provider Web will debit your bank account. It is as easy as 1-2-3.
With Remit ATM, there is typically no need to open a new bank account or lockbox your reimbursements. You can use the facility as little or as often as you like. You pay a small convenience fee each time you receive an early payment under the program. It is free to apply for a facility, and you can be up and running in as little as 24 hours.
Apply here on our website or call us at 855-860-9700 to speak with a Senior Business Advisor and learn more.